Lake Howell Final Video

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our Mission

We are extremely excited about our participation in this project. Our mission in this project is to make our fellow teens be aware of all of the dangers that driving can bring upon people, whether you are a safe driver or not. Our group intends on bringing five videos to everyone regarding different aspects of driving. We also will be putting together a promotional packet to go along with the videos to send out to local radio and TV stations, as well as, to the local newspapers. 
We also are excited because we have been involved in numerous other video contests regarding safe driving. Two of our safe driving videos were publicly broadcasted statewide, therefore we are anxious to be engaged in a national contest that will be able to widen our audience. 

1 comment:

  1. this sounds amazing! you guys are very talented and i look forward to watching your progress.
